By the words parakath’ or muchapet’ we mean the spontaneous feasts after music that are created by groups of people, whose purpose is to entertain themselves by having a pleasant time while eating, drinking and singing Pontiac songs. It’s not like a night out at a tavern or dinner at a restaurant. It is a mystagog, in which all the participants without exception love Pontiac music. The participants of this trade must abide by the unwritten laws that govern it. Everyone must contribute without exception to keep the balance, in order to create the right climate for the next step to begin. To mature, to blossom and at the end of it all to have been rewarded by the whole process.
Small or large, the group that participates in the muchapet, tastes various appetizers and food of the Pontiac cuisine, while each participant drinks the drink of their choice. In fact, a muchapet is considered successful when the alcohol consumption is high enough! During the muchapet, the participants sing Pontiac couplets with or without the accompaniment of the Pontiac lyre. There are usually no microphones, amplifiers or other musical instruments in the muchapet. In recent years, of course, in many muchapet they use microphones, due to the large participation. The muchapet is based on the shared experiences and hearings of the group. During it, the participants can tell jokes, anecdotes or stories – real or imaginary (mesela). The unwritten laws that govern the muchapet are determined by the participating company. The repertoire is specific and consists mainly songs and couplets that are not danced. In the past, only men took part in muchapet (Κανόνες για ένα σωστό μουχαπέτ, 2022). Nowadays, however, the youth – men and women of Pontiac origin, actively participate in this kind of gluttony. This is very important, because in this way the customs and traditions that have been passed down by the elders to the younger ones are preserved.

Giorgos Avgitidis with Stathis Tsairidis and Yiannis Kourtidis in a traditional muchapet in 2017.
The information is kindly sponsored by the musician of traditional Pontiac instruments Giorgos Avgitidis.
Κανόνες για ένα σωστό μουχαπέτ (2022). Retrieved February 19, 2023 from