The Onion Sheets Calendar and its predictions

Romanian mythology over the years revealed many ways and methods of reading the future and forecast of the following year fortune. As Romanians based most of their existence during times on agriculture, and in strong connection, with growing animals, most of the previsions about future are about guessing the weather forecast and the abundance of the earth. More than that, many times the richness of the grains is assimilated with the good luck and happiness of the man.

An old tradition of our nation that dates back hundreds of years, but yet it is too little known even among Romanians is the Onion layers calendar, also named , ‘The onion layers’ (‘The Onion Calendar’).

Originating from Transylvania, the custom of making a calendar out of onion leaves for the New Year has spread like this: you need to prepare 12 notes with the names of the 12 months and 12 onion leaves of the same size. Each onion sheet is sprinkled with the same amount of salt and then you need to wait until the morning. The salt sheets in which the salt melts are said to bring rain and therefore abundance, and the salt sheets in which the salt remains unmelted are said to bring dry, windy months with rain and prosperity, as well as misfortune.