

Nettle the Greek

Kinteata (in Pontiac dialect) is a favorite food of the Pontian Greeks. In the ancient Greek language, the nettle plant was called knidis, a word from which the name of the soup etymologically derives. The use of nettle as a medicinal plant dates back to Ancient Greece, where it was used as a diuretic and …

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As a flower withers and as a blossom everyone fades away and is dissolved

Kolliva are boiled wheat, a symbol of the human body, because the human body feeds and grows on it. We take them to the Church at the funeral of the deceased, at memorial days, but also on Psyhoshavvato, Saturday that is dedicated to dead people, giving in that way a special symbolism. The wheat, symbolizes …

As a flower withers and as a blossom everyone fades away and is dissolved Read More »